4 Best Dog Potty Choices in 2025 – Our Pawsome and Ulti-Mutt Guide

Best Pet Potty

Training your fur baby to use a litter box or pet potty indoors is an imperative task that can be difficult at first but ultimately very rewarding.

Every pet owner knows the importance of this aspect of training dogs and cats, and the tools one uses are a huge part of your furry friend’s success in this endeavor.

Searching for the proper pet potty is a large undertaking with all the choices the market inundates people with.

The dilemmas of knowing which to choose will depend on a lot of different factors.

How do you provide the best pet potty for your precious dog or cat?

Here you will find some of the best recommendations as well as top tips and tricks for successful toilet training.

Check them out below:

Training Your Pet to Use a Pet Potty

Some pet owners will find that their dogs and cats are already partially trained by breeders when they bring them home for the first time while others will have puppies and kittens in their own homes that need to learn from scratch.

Don’t be intimidated.

There are multiple methods on how to effectively train your cuddly companions on how to use a litter box or pee pads.

Training has additional steps for dogs that you plan on being trained for the outdoors too, and there is a definite algorithm to the process that involves pet potties.

If you start when your pets are young –and with the right advice, you can make it work!

Here are some key tips on how.

Teaching Dogs New Tricks

While most dog owners expect that their pooches are going to eventually toilet train to relieve themselves outdoors, there is a frame of time where your puppy will be using pee pads indoors.

Crate training is the first step. However, make sure to follow some key steps in the process to cut down on accidents in the house and get them used to doing the right thing.

  • Feed your puppies on a schedule.
  • Restrict their access to specific parts of the house.
  • Take your pup to a pad at regular intervals for ‘pee times’.
  • Do not punish dogs for accidents
  • Give them a space just for going to the bathroom when alone and shrink this space every few days until you get down to a single pad.
  • Make sure to clean up any pet messes with special ammonia-free cleaner so they don’t double back to this spot as a regular pee place.
  • Reward their success with a small treat to positively reinforce good habits.

Once your dog is trained to visit their pee place to go on a pad successfully, you can begin looking at taking them outside.

But not so fast.

Some dogs aren’t necessarily primed for outdoor bathroom breaks.

For instance, small dog breeds are extremely susceptible to the cold; it’s unpleasant for them to get their feet wet and cold and trying to take them outdoors can be a frustrating process with little result because they are so uncomfortable outdoors.

Chihuahuas are a great example of this as they will poke around outside for excessive amounts of time only to be brought in with no piddle.

But alas, the moment they find a spot or their regular pee pad area, they will go right there once indoors.

To be honest, even if it is preferable for your dog to be trained to go to the bathroom outdoors, those that will should also be trained for indoor toileting so when you travel or cannot go outdoors, they know what to do.

And if your dog is not an outdoor potty pet, the pet potties we have found are going to be just the ticket for their needs when the novelty of pee pads has long worn off.

Litter Box Training Kitties

Indoor kitties are, by nature, expected to relieve themselves in a litter box.

Unfortunately, it will take some time to get them to where they are able to do so.

That’s right, just like dogs, there are some steps to follow to train them.

It takes the right kind of litter, the right kind of cat box, the perfect place for the litter box and the right size for kittens.

That’s right, you might want to start with a smaller one for little kitties if they have come to your home without mama, who will lead her kittens in litter training typically.

If not, you will have to show them where to go on regular intervals after meals.

In addition, make sure the litter box for a single kitten is small enough to be comfortable in its own space.

You will find that they will know after a few times of using it exactly where to go.

Of course, as withdogs, you won’t want to punish a cat for having an accident in the wrong spot, do want to clean it up with an ammonia-free cleaner so they don’t catch the scent and think it’s a regular place to go and want to give them praise for doing a good job.

More importantly, once your kitty gets accustomed to coming to the litter box, watch for their preferences and mannerisms.

This way you can see if they seem bothered by certain aspects of the litter box and fine-tune things to what they like.

It is, of course, their place to do their business, so it’s all about them!

Pet Potties and Some Ground Rules

With the pet potties we found, we have followed some general guidelines as to what makes for a good pet potty.

It goes without saying that every pet is different; although one dog or cat may love one potty or litter box, another may not.

Observe your fur babies closely and see if they act oddly or shy away from the potty in any way to make sure you are doing right by them in this regard.

Other than that, follow what we have to say about each species below.

For Dogs

Never allow your dog to use a box with kitty litter in it.

The particles are fine enough to get into their lungs, and because dogs like to sniff around before they go, they will definitely inhale a ton.

Make sure to clean the pet potty regularly to cut down on odors and eliminate any chance of infections or other potential issues from bacteria getting on their paws and being tracked through the house.

Usually, potties will come with a washable top side and a drawer with pee pad beneath as a catching tray for urine.

Change the pee pad often and also wash the top portion with warm soapy water to keep your home odor-free and your animal healthy.

Size here is a major factor as well. Don’t provide a pet potty for a large dog that they can’t turn around on or may make off the end of.

Give them room to circle and walk around comfortable on. If it has a mesh grid, examine the mesh to cut down on any possibility that their paws could get caught or their nails get snagged.

Get a mat for underneath to cut down on leakage onto floors or skidding of the potty when they hop on or off if it is up higher off the ground.

Dogs do not classically go in covered potties as this is akin to their crates, which are for sleep and not for potty training.

Start by giving them space to do their dirty work.

Dogs don’t want an audience, so look away to give them their privacy.

When they are left alone, set them up in a gated area where they have their potty, water, toys and their bed all in separate areas of the fenced off part of the home they will stay in.

If you must begin by covering the whole area in pee pads and removing them one by one as they become accustomed to the habit, do so.

For Cats

Cats can be finicky about their potty habitat.

Litter might be preferable as a grainy variety, or alternatively, your kitty might like a litter that’s finer so it has a softer feel.

A clumping formula will make locating and dehydrating their poop a lot better.

Cat’s don’t like to go to a dirty litter box as an instinctual habit.

This is a part of their genetics as predators would smell where prey would relieve themselves and lurk nearby.

As a result, you will need to keep the cat box clean.

A lot of litters will also come with odor control but cleaning the litter box and replacing the litter is important.

Cats don’t typically like scented litter so steer clear.

A clay litter can be changed twice per week while clumping litters can be done every few weeks if you’re making sure you scoop the ugly stuff off every day.

Every time you change the litter, wash the litter box itself with warm soapy water. No chemical cleaners.

Some cats like covered litter boxes because they feel safe while other cats like being able to move around and to not feel restricted while doing their business.

We recommend uncovered boxes for this reason.

Make sure the box is big enough for your cat, and if you have several, make it bigger. The area should be well-lit.

Don’t line the cat box with anything as kitties scratch around and could shred up plastic, padding or anything else on its bottom.

Best to sprinkle some baking soda alone so it helps with odors.

Don’t place any more than 2 inches of litter in the box at a time and use a mat under the litter box to prevent litter from spilling out onto the floor.

Younger and older cats will need a box with either no lip or a lower height to get in and out easily.

Most importantly, don’t fall for high-tech self-cleaning gimmicks that can create a big issue with cleaning due to mechanical parts, overheating and other complications.

Here are our top contenders for kitties and dogs when it comes to pet potties.

The Top 4 Pet Potties

Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty

Amazon Reviews

4 out of 5 Stars with 865 Customer Reviews

Ease of Use

The Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty is a fantastic alternative to newspaper or pee pads for training your puppy or for indoor toileting for dogs.

The mesh grate prevents your dog’s feet from getting wet, so they won’t track pee all over the place on their paws while the tray beneath holds a pee pad to catch and absorb it all.

The tray sits low enough that it isn’t difficult to get up on the system and dogs don’t have trouble maneuvering the mesh due to its grid size.


While you can use the pee pads in the tray for more than one instance of your dog going, they are hidden and able to be kept away so no out in the open pads with urine on them.

The only issue with this system seems to be the grate when your dog has a poop as it can get stuck in the mesh, which would require a thorough cleaning with a smaller brush.

Other than that, it doesn’t use dust or other items and it does keep everything all tucked away.

So you just pull out the tray and change the pad until it needs to be cleaned or dump off any pet feces unless it needs a wipe.


The Blyss is easy enough to clean when it comes to those pee pads and the tray itself. Just wipe it out with warm soapy water and replace the pad at a reasonable pace in between.

As for the mesh though.

This is the only part that has its drawbacks as it can get a bit funky if you don’t wash it.

It would be wise to keep a spare toothbrush for just this purpose to make sure you are getting in the grating well enough to clear everything out.

The Pros and Cons

The Pros?

You won’t have pee pads laying out in the open with embarrassing stains and poo all over them.

Furthermore, your dog won’t have urine-soaked feet all the time from it flowing over them when they piddle on newspaper or it doesn’t absorb immediately as it goes through the mesh right away.

The tray is also low-lying, so it isn’t hard to hop on and off.

The Cons?

The mesh can get doggy do-do stuck in it and you must really get between the mesh grid well when cleaning it to make sure you got everything.

Some users also stated the nonslip feet also fall off after a time.

See if the Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty will work for you online here.

KittyGoHere Litter Box

Amazon Reviews

4.6 out of 5 Stars with 121 Customer Reviews

Ease of Use

With an opening at the front for cats that can’t leap in, the KittyGoHere Litter Box is a great product for multiple cats, elderly cats or kittens.

It has a high lip at the sides and back to prevent litter from coming out when your furry friends dig while it is made of durable plastic to avoid leaks.

Pet owners with arthritic cats have especially taken to this litter box as they had all reported their cats going right outside other litter boxes because they couldn’t get in and out of their previous boxes.

It has no cover and can be relocated easily as well.


Because there are no mechanical parts, the KittyGoHere has no chance of getting litter or refuse stuck in any hidden crevice or moving part.

Cats won’t spill litter out over its sides or rear and aren’t walking over their urine to get in and out thanks to its size.

You can use it with all of kinds of litter and there is no need for liners either.


Cleaning this litter box only requires dumping out the litter and washing this plastic tub out with warm water and mild dish detergent.

There is absolutely nothing else that needs to be done to maintain this litter box, and that’s fantastic!

The Pros and Cons

The Pros?

The KittyGoHere Litter Box has an entry point that is quite low so that all cats can easily enter and exit the litter box without strain on any joints.

It is very easy to clean and can be relocated to any place in your home that your cat prefers to use as their litter box area.

The Cons?

There is nothing high-tech about this litter box. It is not self-cleaning and does not come with a cover.

So any pet owner that prefers these features will not have these benefits with this litter box.

See what the KittyGoHere Litter Box can do for you online now.

DoggieLawn Dog Potty Kit

Amazon Reviews

3.9 out of 4 Stars with 20 Customer Reviews

Ease of Use

Excellent for use by those living in apartment buildings or with dogs they plan to take outdoors, the DoggieLawn Dog Potty kit comes with real sod and a plastic tray.

It’s a great way to get dogs used to going on grass while also giving them somewhere pleasant for their feet to relieve themselves.

It lays low on the ground and has enough surface area for most dogs to meander a little before picking a place to go.


Although the idea of the grass itself seems to be a magnificent one, the plastic liner itself was reported to be a bit thin and can come with holes or cracks.

If this is the case, it would be best to place some pads or a mat beneath it to ensure that there are no unexpected leaks.

In addition, this is real grass, so expect it to have grass pollen and the potential to rot or mold if not cared for appropriately.

It may also require replacement from time to time if it has been used enough.


Scooping poop is more likely to be the most maintenance you will have to deal with when it comes to the DoggieLawn, but there is also the potential that you will have to replace the sod if it gets burnt orgets soaked and mildews.

Prevent it from molding by keeping it relatively dry.

Again, a lot of people that get this pet potty use it on their balcony as an alternative to running their animal all the way down to the lawn below their apartment, so it is something that will benefit from partial shelter.

If you cannot maintain the tray or it seems damaged, you might want a waterproof carpet or mat beneath to protect your flooring surface. Just in case.

The Pros and Cons

The Pros:

The DoggieLawn Dog Potty Kit is a great bridge to outdoor toileting for dogs.

The real sod is something most dogs take to right away and love the soft feel of on their paws.

This is also a godsend for a lot of apartment-dwellers who need to hold their pups’ short attention span long enough to take them to their pee place in time to go without navigating multiple floors down to where they can go outdoors.

The Cons:

Some customers have reported the sod to arrive in a state where it is already rotting.

If this is the case, it is recommended to report it right away to the supplier and get it replaced.

If it is well-maintained and arrives in good condition, customers have reported it does not require replacement for quite some time, but it is a natural product that does break down.

The other issue is the plastic tray beneath, which has been described as rather flimsy, so it has to be examined for damage and may need to be backed up by another layer of protection in case of leaks.

Check out the DoggieLawn online for yourself for more details!

Purina Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter Box System

Amazon Reviews

4.1 out of 5 Stars with 4577 Customer Reviews

Ease of Use

Featuring an open top, a drawer for included absorbent pads and also including absorbent pellets to dehydrate cat solids and keep ammonia odors at bay for up to 7 days, the Purina Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter Box System higher walls to prevent litter from being flipped out of the litter box.

It’s available with or without a cover so you can provide it to your kitty according to their preference while it is also large enough to allow movement and your cat to fit in it well.


The Tidy Cats Breeze has many features to keep your home and cats clean while using it.

The pellets themselves clump to solids and dehydrate them to be easily scooped out with the scoop they provide with the litter box. In addition, there is a drawer that can be pulled out where odor-control pads can be laid (also included).

All these factors keep any scent of litter box to a minimum quite well, and customers report these as well as the structural design of the box to be a huge hit with themselves as well as their kitties.


Maintaining this litter box is a bit different as there is the drawer and top lip portion that also need to be cleaned.

A lot of customers report needing to spray it out with their shower head or a hose while some take it apart to fully clean it with warm water and mild dish detergent.

This litter box also has no moving parts, but because it is made of multiple parts, there are places where litter and urine can hide, so it is important to give it a very thorough cleaning, which is less straightforward that simply wiping it clean in one go.

The Pros and Cons

The Pros:

The Purina Tidy Cats Breeze can be ordered with or without a cover to give your cat the litter box conditions they prefer.

Secondly, the front has a lower entry point to make it easier to enter and exit while the sides and back are higher for less chance of litter being kicked out.

Odor control is a massive plus as well and absorbent pads in a drawer allow for added longevity of each load of pellets.

The Cons:

Because there are additional components to the litter box, it can be tricky to clean.

Some customers also believe that the pellets that are included are tough on their cats’ feet and prefer other workarounds like airsoft pellets or others.

Finally, some report the need to fill the box with extra pellets to allow cats to cover solids or dehydrate them adequately.

Have a look at the Purina Tidy Cats Breeze Litter Box here online now.


There you have it! Now that you have seen the best pet potties out there, you now have a better idea of how to cater to your pet and not so much your whims and wishes in order to get your pets to go where they should in a more pleasant way for them.

With this info, you will find your animals better-equipped to learn and successfully use pet potties without any issue.

And now you also know there is no need to go high-tech to do it!

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