Does My Pet Need A Passport?

Does My Pet Need A Passport

If you are the type of person that loves to travel around the globe with your special furry friend, then, you absolutely need a Pet Passport.

Before going, make sure you do some research to know what your pet requires in the country that you are visiting.

Some foreign embassies will have strict regulations and may not allow your dog within the country unless it conforms to all their requests.

European Union

European Union

How do you obtain a passport for your pet if you live in the EU?

First of all, your dog or cat must be registered at the canine registry and should have a microchip.

If you want to travel abroad with your dog, depending on where you are heading, you may need two different types of documents:

How long does it take to receive the passport?

You should apply for a European passport well in advance.

The issuing time may depend on a variety of factors.

However, it is advisable to go to the vet at least 25 days before the departure date.

This will give you enough time to implant a microchip in your dog, and to vaccinate him against rabies.

Microchips and vaccines are both necessary for your dog’s passport.

Information required for your pet’s passport

Although rabies vaccination is mandatory in all EU countries, some countries also have additional requirements.

Before going abroad with your pet, it is essential to check with the local veterinary services, embassies, consulates, and travel agencies to find out whether any specific vaccinations or conditions could forbid your furry friend’s entry into the country.

Below are a few examples of how conditions vary from country to country within the EU:

From 1 January 2012, dogs, cats, and ferrets can enter the United Kingdom from any country in the world without being kept in quarantine.

However, if you want to take your dog to England, a passport is mandatory. What else is compulsory?

Pets need to receive the same anti-parasite treatment stated above if they want to travel to Malta or Finland.

If you want to take your dog to Norway, you will have to provide proof that your dog has received treatment against tapeworms.

The treatment must be carried out no less than 24 hours and no more than 120 hours before entering Norway.

For Sweden and the other member states of the European Union, a Pet Passport is all you need.

However, keep in mind that you can enter some European countries without a Pet Passport, you only need to provide the border with your dog’s medical record and a health certificate.

In essence, the differences mentioned above are the reason why you should consult the embassy or a travel agency before organizing your holiday: regulations can change from country to country, so watch out!

PETS (Pet Travel Scheme)

PETS (Pet Travel Scheme)

The EU Pet Passport was introduced in the summer of 2004, and it replaced the International Certificate of Vaccination which was required until then.

You can obtain an EU Pet Passport through your own veterinarian.

If you want to travel with a dog or cat to another country, you must have an EU Pet Passport.

This document is incredibly useful if you travel extensively around Europe.

However, that’s not all: it also helps when you are traveling to other continents since it facilitates your dog’s re-entry in the EU.

The Pet Passport has facilitated the pet’s identification since it proves that your dog is in good health and has received vaccines against rabies.

Moreover, all of his vaccines are recorded on it.

How Does The Identification Of Your Pet Work?

How Does The Identification Of Your Pet Work

Between 2004 and 2011, it was still possible to identify your dog or cat with a tattoo.

Since 2011, only pets with a microchip are entitled to a passport

Each microchip has a number which must match the number on the Pet Passport.

This is an efficient solution since it proves that you are the legit owner of your pet.

Having a microchip can also be useful in case your pet runs away since it can help you to find him more rapidly.

What Do I Need When Applying To A Pet Passport?

Things You Should Never Do When Your Dog Is on A Leash

In addition to vaccinations and the microchip number, the following data must also be entered:

Traveling to Non-European Countries, The US, and Canada

Traveling to Non-European Countries, The US, and Canada

If you want to travel with your dog to the United States, Canada or to other non-European countries, even in this case, you will need to do some research on each country’s regulations.

In general, for those who want to travel with their dog around the world, a Pet Passport is not enough. Your furry friend needs an International Health Certificate.

If you live in the USA, there is no such thing as a Pet Passport: all you need to travel is extra documentation that ensures the health of your pet.

You can ask your local veterinarian how you can attain these documents and what are the requirements.

Before your departure, it is necessary to do some research on the regulations of the country you are visiting: some countries require you to carry out specific vaccinations and treatments (such as treatment against tapeworm infections).

Moreover, if you are traveling to the EU, you will need:

If you live in Canada and you are looking to travel abroad with your dog, you may need to fill in the Canadian International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats.

You can find this form on the Government of Canada’s website in the section ‘Travel documents for your pets.’

In this form, you will be required to state:

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